Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jamaican netballers

Jamaican netballers
Originally uploaded by garyrichardjones.
Well the Games are just about to begin, we've the opening ceremony tonight, early your time Wed morning. At last I've found some netball players, so at least my daughter Amelia will think I've done something useful.

Havent seen much of anyone else, as we are busy getting ready for the competion to start.

Look out for our panama hats tonight/this morning!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Melbourne's St Caths pier - well St Kilda really

This is the venue for the start of the triathlon, spectacular, dont forget to look out for us on Friday evening/Sat morning your time.

I've got to start work tomorrow with technical meetings etc, and we've still got to get Tim Rogers into the race, given that he is still wearing a cast. Tim's been inspiration with his commitment and determination and has been a real credit to Jersey.

The opening ceremony is now only 2 days away, so we are not long now from wearing some seriously panama hats - opening ceremony is around 9.30 am Wed your time - so nip down to the staff room to have a quick peak at us in our red outfit


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Simon Le Couillard with Adrian Moorhouse

One of the pluses for any one competing at the Games is the opportunity to meet Olympic gold medallists. Adrian came in especially to the meet the Jersey swim team and talk to the boys about how to prepare for race day and avoiding distractions.

Sheila McGinnigle at the footie

Hi you'll be glad to see that team managers have time to relax, and here Sheila is relaxing at the Aussie rules footie on Saturday night.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Spot the good looking bald guy

Well we've had our welcome ceremony, unfortunately Richard wasnt able to get down from Bendigo in order to take part.

To say it was hot would be an understatement, that said we all looked really smart, if not a little sweat drenched.

Many teams have done the ceremony in tracksuits, including the English, and the effort we all made was much appreciated by the hosts.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Your correspondent doing the ironing

Just in case anyone thinks this is just a holiday, I have been reduced to doing my own ironing in preparation for the Jersey welcome ceremony (and there are witnesses!!!)

If you think Jersey is, today I met someone over breakfast who knows the only person I know from the Falkland Islands. Then I met someone from Hereford, which is where my parents come from.

Weather is now fantastic, and we've been down to the race course for the first time. Still now just 6 days to go the opening ceremony, and 9 days to the triathlon.

Hope all is well

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Paul by the pool and doing some coaching

Paul doing some work
Originally uploaded by garyrichardjones.
Have finally met up with all the Highlands crew bar Richard who is up at Bendigo, which is 60km away.

We are all settling into village life, though tomorrow we have the Jersey welcome ceremony, which means the red blazers are out, alongside the cream slacks. So watch out for some rhubard and custard moments

Hope all is well

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's not just a holiday

I've been looking for partner colleges for future staff development opportunites !!! and spent a little time at The Gold Coast TAFE Insitute. Very interesting - full time studens pay a fee of around £1000 - part-time courses receive no government subsisdy. Lots big open plan study spaces which are segmented off for individual lessons. Business students wearing uniforms etc

I think we need a more detailed field trip to fully understand the differences



Sunday, March 05, 2006

Race cancelled due to weather

We had so much rain yesterday that our scheduled race was cancelled. Fortunately, the weather has now picked and its SUNNY at last. It's only and it is boiling already - anyway we are off to Melbourne tomorrow - which is good


Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's still raining

We've now been on the Gold Coast since Friday and it is still raining - we've had 3 solid days of rain and the triathlon we came to do has been cancelled due to the weather.

Hopefully the weather will be ok when we head down to Melbourne on Tuesday


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tim and Gary's awfully big adventure

Hi, well Tim, the one-armed triathlete, and I are finally on the road, or rather sat around Gatwick awaiting our flight to Dubai - who said this Commonwealth Games lark is glamourous. Word has it that the weather in Southport, Queensland our first destination is pretty naff, I can hear the groans now - but these thing are all relative - it's supposed to 24 degrees C.

Wont catch up with the rest of the Highlands group until next Tuesday, so you'll have to put up with my news till then
